
View from 16 feet up

At the end of Phase I.

view from deck of phase one

This is how I spent two weekends in July. Doing all that in my backyard. I wish I took a picture before I started, but it looked so boring, the idea didn't occur to me. Imagine a soggy lawn & you've got it. The lawn grew from sod and removing it was a horror show. That green plastic support the sod grows in takes hours to get up. And under it all...tons of garbage. Broken glass, boards, rusty unidentified metal, fiberglass, plastic sheets. Too gross.

Onward and upward. Phase II comes next. That includes putting in a Princess Plant in a sawed-off barrel and a swing chair on a gravel bed there at the end of the cobblestone path. I see five phases before I'm done. It's a small yard, but I have a lot in mind.

That red hanging plant in the lower left is a rhipsalis I ordered from Tropical Gardens of Maui Dot Com. I ordered it Sunday night and it was on my desk in California Tuesday morning. Very nice.

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