and it's also the third anniversary of the day our mortgage closed. Kinda crazy to remember the day of something like that, but when it falls on a recognizable date like Halloween, you don't forget it.
We popped a bottle fo Veuve Clicquot to celebrate. And I'm working a great buzz!
As for the Jack O'Lantern, we were too late to get the big ones, so we got the acne-scarred runts.
What's growing in that planter? Purple lantana, a native Ceanothus ("Diamond Heights"), and a very young climbing hydrangea (hydrangea petiolaris).
UPDATE: They're starting to stream in.

This one really testifies to my complete inability to get the camera ready on time. Like they're going to wait for me. As if!

Awww!!! (We gave him two pieces!)
UPDATE: It's 7:25 p.m. and we're almost cleared out of 14 pounds of candy! And I thought we bought too much.

Harry Potter!!! My night is complete!