
The Home Depot drama comes to a head...

The B.A.R. runs down the Home Depot issue.

Okay, I'll give up an pretend like I give a flying fuck about Home Depot. Living on Bernal, I should be grateful the neighbors haven't torched my house since I don't have a Home Depot circle slash sign in my front window.

Random thoughts on the matter:

Home Depot is a terrible place to shop. All the big hardware stores are--Lowes, OSH, whatever. They all suck. Trying to get actual help in any of them is a joke. Or a nightmare. Or both. The workers hate you for interrupting their shelf-stocking duties with your dumb questions. There's nothing in it for them. I should please go fuck myself.

How sorry should I feel that people in the Bayview "desperately" need jobs? Does their joblessness have anything to do with them, I wonder? I guess I better not say so, or the neighbors will definitely torch the house. Whatever. I don't expect to see much shopping improvement in a Home Depot staffing with Bayviewers.

And is Home Depot really what they need anyway? What a depressing thought.

On the other hand, Bayshore Boulevard is a dump. Aside from Floorcraft Nursery and BevMo, it's a wasteland.

Why doesn't Cole Hardware grow some balls and open their own superstore? No vision thing?

And back to why I don't care....The traffic. Sorry, I don't envision a lot of people clogging Cortland Street to get to Home Depot. They'll take Alemany or Potrero. Ergo, not my problem.

In the final analysis, I will never use the Home Deopt on Bayshore.. When I need hardware, I go to Cole. I don't mind paying more because I know the shopping experience won't piss me off. And that's it.

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