I love the old statues in Golden Gate Park. Lions, sphinxes, Irish patriots, men of science, flying gods slaying serpents. So romantic!
I went up to the tower, but none of the pictures I took there look very good. They have a huge, very detailed satellite map of San Francisco on a wall up there that's more interesting than the panoramic view. Panoramic views of San Francisco are everywhere.

This picture is blurry.

At Stowe Lake...

Evidence of recent goddess worship...

I came this close to taking the rusty metal one home with me (pinching his thumb and index finger very close together, but not actually touching). I had all kinds of reasons why that would be okay. It's not like it belongs to anyone anymore, just sitting there. I'm entitled to take it. Wouldn't a good Wiccan appreciate my desire to have this witchy relic in my garden, imbuing the environment with its mystical energy? Wouldn't she like to see Wiccan influences spread and propagate?
But then I realized I didn't have a bag, and I'd have to carry it in my hand and people would see me with it. They'd laugh. And what if I got spotted by a Wiccan gang? A gang of hippie witches could totally kick my ass.
Or I could come back with a bag. And wouldn't it be funny to take all the Wiccan artifacts and replace them with lots of little crucifixes and Virgin of Guadalupe candles and portraits of Jesus with a bleeding heart. I'd show them!
A Japanese pagoda from our sister city Osaka.

Turtles, just before a scary little girl came by.