
A barn owl named Wookie.

Just a quick note...

I went to the library to see the presentation from the Hungry Owl Project today. (Remember? You saw the notice on the bulletin board in the park.)


You know you're fabulous when you're an Englishwoman with falconing gear and a barn owl named Wookie. Another woman from HOP talked and so did someone from the San Francisco Rescue Orphan Mammal Program, SF-ROMP.

They all had a lot to say and it was all very interesting and I wish I had more time to tell you about it, but I don't. I'll try to come back and fill this post out sometime soon. In the meantime, enjoy a blurry picture of a barn owl, and visit the cool websites I linked.




tai haku said...

SF-ROMP? best acronym ever. I found your blog the other day through GardenRant. Your community allotment looks lovely.

lisa said...

LOVE the owl!! I see and hear lots of owls up here in the north woods...my son even saw one fly in range of our motion detector garage light and scoop up a rabbit! Makes me wish I had a "game-cam" for stealth pics at night. Maybe next year...

chuck b. said...

There's a lot of cool pictures of nesting owls at the HOP website.

Apparently, we have both barn owls and giant horned owls in San Francisco. Great horned howls? Whatever. I've never seen either one. But I'm usually home at night, not hiking in the parks.