
Garden Blogger Bloom Day

It's March 15. I don't have much to show you that I didn't already show you last month.

I bought these from some random bulb catalog that came in the mail.


I put them here and there. These are in a cactus pot on the roof. I should grow more flowers on the roof. Ones I wouldn't have to water.


Random narcissus. A month behind everyone else in San Francisco.


The first few flowers on the Geranium maderense opened just this morning.


The tiarella's starting to kick in.


I'll have a lot more next month. Everything is in bud. Late bud.

Back to work... as in, lunch is over and now I have to get back to work.

to my first Garden Blogger Bloom Day.


Christopher C. NC said...

I have always admired your succulent dish gardens. You do those well.

Day two of rain here from a front that seems stuck so it is not the best weather for flower picture taking.

Taxes or a resume hmmm?

Unknown said...

I love those cactus gardens, with or without the blooms!

Anonymous said...

Geranium maderense

I'd never seen this before... I HAVE TO HAVE IT. It looks electric-phospherescent-spooky-supernatural.

It weirds me out and I like it.

Now... to figure out how to get some....


Anonymous said...

Your cactus/succulent planter is stunning. It looks much better than the one I made out of my chip-and-dip set.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for remembering to post about this, even though you say you don't have much new going on.

Carol Michel said...

You have a lot going on this spring. I also love the geraniums. And the cactus pots

chuck b. said...

Thank you all for coming by!

That Geranium maderense is a self-seeding biennial. The flowers smell rank if you get too close to them. It's a good plant tho', and I would keep one going if it didn't get so big. Great textural element and unusual growth habit.

Delphine said...

C'est très beau !