
A new blog for a new year.

I've mentioned before that I don't like my blog name very much, and the URL address comes from an older conception of a blog that I never really enacted.

This being New Year's Day and all...it's a fine time to bid adieu to whoreticulture.

Henceforth, this blog will go dormant, except perhaps for comments.

From now on you can find me blogging in My Back 40 (Feet).


lisa said...

Personally I am certain I'll dig your blog no matter WHAT you call it! (I really enjoyed the Whoreticulture name, however.) But your happiness as author is our happiness as readers, so out with the old and in with the new! Happy New Year!

chuck b. said...

Well, come over and be my first commenter why don't you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, too bad you're losing "Whoreticulture" -- it's the sort of word play I enjoy. I'll follow you along to lurk at your new digs... (of course, no pun intended...) Happy New Year!

Molly said...

:) I always kinda liked your blog name, although it always made me think "You can lead a whoreticulture but you can't make her think"

Jenn said...

Oh NO!!!

You're new domain says it's expired!

chuck b. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

"stay tuned"

Will do, sir. Will do!

chuck b. said...

Blogpoll.com took over my site... Very strange. I deleted the blog poll and now it seems to be okay again. I guess I should have read those Terms of Service!

The Greensman said...

its a great name, keep it... I also have a stretch of land I refer to as the back 40 or sometimes the north 40