
Don't you hate it when you go to someone's blog and there are no new posts? Drives me nuts.

Just so you know, there will be a new post later today. Today's hike on Teague Hill should provide grist for the mill.

But Monday I start a new job and blogging will become much lighter. Sigh.

(You must have assumed I'm currently unemployed, right?)


Christopher C. NC said...

"You must have assumed I'm currently unemployed, right?"

That is one assumption. I preferred to think that you had married well and chemist was the new Bay area PC term for Haus frau.

Good luck with your new job.

Anonymous said...

I've been envying your rambling unemployment. You've been doing exactly what I like to think I would be doing if my days were my own.

chuck b. said...

I hope everyone gets to enjoy several months of non-working (before retirement). It's been a blessing.

And I totally can't wait to go back to work. You know I'm fantasizing about how those paychecks are going to affect my garden. The first order of business will be to buy a ton of cobblestones to finish the garden path.