This one has a nice fish pond.

With hungry fish.

This place is 20 minutes away in South San Francisco (a town which doesn't even share a border with San Francisco). I hear there's a stoneyard in San Francisco proper, but I've never been able to find it. Anyhow, I come here on my lunch break sometimes just to look around.
Big rocks.

Rough rocks.

Rough red rocks.

Round rocks.

Small rocks.

Really small rocks.

Flat rocks.

Particularly old-looking rocks.

And the rocks I came here for.

They're just called San Francisco Cobblestones, or SF Cobbles, because they were used extensively in 19th century San Francisco. Construction crews find them doing excavation work downtown, and they end up in Bay Area stoneyards where people like me come along and haul them right back to San Francsico.
We bought our first 100 from a contractor we had a chance encounter with in a parking lot. He'd removed them from a garden in Noe Valley and was on his way to sell them to the stoneyard. He sold them to us at market rate and threw in free delivery.
These ten are going home with me. $41.14, a cash palindrome.

These aren't the best cobbles I've bought. Kinda concretey. But I think some winter rain and summer sun will flake it off. Cobbles aren't cheap, and they don't always make for a smooth, easy walk in the garden, but they do create a cottagey vibe which is what I'm going for. And I think the varying color and texture of the cobblestones adds visual interest. I particularly like that they come with some local history.
We can take a quick look around, but we're not spending any more money today.



These chairs remind me of summer.

Yesterday at 4:52 or something was the solstice.
Happy belated solstice!
1 rock
2 rock
red rock
blue rock
great photography and a funny narrative.
My my. Your cobbles are heftier than I had imagined.
I love going to stone yards too. Yours certainly has more decorative items than the one I go to. Extra chances to spend, spend, spend.
I like this stoneyard because it's near where I work but there's another one farther away with incredible rocks and really interesting stuff.
The people at both places are really nice too; I like that.
Nice dragons! Thanks for the look around.
Man... now I want a dragon. *pout*
What's the first type of rock? Agate? Gorgeous striations there.
It looks agatey. I don't know from rocks.
Man, you're fun to shop with! I even enjoy watching someone else spend THEIR money...what kind of pathology is that? ;)
could anyone tell me the location (address)of the Stoneyard in SSF? I have googled it and nothing?
1350 El Camino Real
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