
The Hawaiian island of Molokai, blogged bit by bit

Here, here, here, here, and here.


anile said...

The midterm is delayed a week! Sorry I didn't think to tell you immediately. My head has been in the clouds these past few days. But Malcolm decided that since he missed the last class, we will either have the midterm next week or he will let us take it home. I'm sooooo sorry I spaced on letting you know.

chuck b. said...

That's funny-- You know, I didn't think for a second he'd give us a mid-term the week after cancelling class. My boyfriend thought he very well could and was surprised that I wasn't concerned about it. I was, like, "That wouldn't happen in a horticulture class."

Thanks for the tip, tho!

Christopher C. NC said...

I don't recall. Did you say you were going to go to Molokai or Kauai when you guys come this summer?

chuck b. said...

Kauai. I wish I was there right now.